Real Assistants in an Online World

Summer Speaker Series: Forty-Two Speakers in One Month

My colleague, Erin Blaskie, is hosting the first annual Summer Speaker Series featuring an amazing line-up of speakers including James Roche, Christina Merkley, Sheri McConnell, Alexis Neely, Allana Pratt, Lou Bortone, Viki Viertel, Lynn Scheurell, Kathie Thomas, Debbie LaChusa, Wendy Weiss, Terri Z, Donna Gunter, Diana Ennen and so, so, so many more.

Here’s the deal… She’s featuring TWO speakers PER DAY for the entire month of August (not including weekends because really, who likes working weekends?)

The best part is that this amazing series of speakers is priced VERY affordably. It’s going to be one of the hottest events of the summer and you’ve got an invitation from me!

Simply click through this link and register today. You won’t be disappointed and I’ll be there participating as well!

You can purchase a seat in one track, two tracks or get audio downloads included too (along with your live seat) so what are you waiting for! I’ve heard there is a cap of 200 people due to the bridge line and with the speakers involved, that won’t last long!

Visit the Speaker Series page and register now… ‘see’ you on the calls!


Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

Liz Ryan explores the fear that upcoming workers (i.e. today’s teenagers and college kids) will spend their work days whiling away on Facebook and other social sites.

Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

The Digital Vanishing Act

George Colony muses on things vanished as a result of today’s digital technology.

“My CDs made my records go away…
…my iPod made my CDs go away. All of my music (and I love music) is now held in my hand. ”

Read the entire blog post at George F. Colony: The Digital Vanishing Act.

Creative Assistants Newsletter – July 11, 2008 – iContact Community

Creative Assistants Newsletter – July 11, 2008

In This Issue:

Do You Need Help? How to Know!

Twitter on the Brain

Xobni: Take Back Your Inbox!

Writing Email That Gets Answered

Chris Brogan has some excellent tips to follow when you want an answer for emails you send!

Writing Email That Gets Answered |