Real Assistants in an Online World

Transfer songs from your iPod to your computer

I have an iPod (love it, use it often). I have music from my computer as well my husband’s computer on it. Sometimes I hear a song on the iPod that I don’t have on my computer and would like to have it on my hard drive. I also re-formatted my hard drive this summer and no longer have a couple of songs that reside on my iPod. I’d like to get them back onto my hard drive.

Unfortunately, Apple’s software prevents you from downloading music FROM your iPod to a computer. Very frustrating.

Fortunately, you can get it around it using Windows file explorer without too much trouble (although finding the specific song you want will take a bit of time).

PC Magazine walks you through the steps to do this – I guess I know what I’ll be doing over the long weekend!

In Search of Website Traffic

Where does your website rank on the major search engines? Are you on page 1 or page 10? Search Engine Optimization continues to be a mystery for many small businesses. How do you move your site up on the search engine’s lists? The Wall Street Journal has a nice article that should help to clarify some of the mystery and help you get on the right path!

More VAs in the News!

ABC recently published a fabulous article on their site about Virtual Assistants. Several of our industry leaders were interviewed – it’s great exposure for our industry!

Change What Program Your File Opens In

Has this ever happened to you? You double-click to open a .wav file, then have to wait an eternity for iTunes to open and do it’s thing before you actually hear the file. Or you try to open a graphic file and it comes up in an editing program instead of a viewer. Frustrating, right?

The good news is that it’s easy to change what program a selected file type defaults to. There are a number of ways to accomplish this but this is among the easiest I’ve found:

1. Find a file of the type you’re having problems with (.jpg, .wav, .mp3, etc.)
2. Copy this file to a folder you can easily find (I like c:/temp)
3. Right-click on the file, select “Open With”, then “Choose Program”

4. Select the program you’d like these files to open in for the future (click on “browse” and locate the program if it doesn’t show up here). Then check the box that says “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and then click “OK”.

That’s it! The next time you open that type of file, it will open in the program you prefer!

How to Hire Some Help and Give Yourself a Raise

How to Hire Some Help and Give Yourself a Raise

by Donna Gunter, The Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)

“There’s no way I can hire anyone to do what I do. No one can do it as well as I can.”

Do you resemble that remark? If so, you’ve got much in common with most other business owners in the world. We never think that anyone else will give something the time, attention, and dedication that we will. And, you’re right, to some degree. No one cares as much about your business as you do. However, if you don’t choose to delegate those things that prevent you from engaging in business development, marketing, and sales activities, you won’t be in business very long.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for awhile, the thought of bringing on a support team member can be daunting, and you wonder, “How can I bring in someone else when it’s just going to increase my expenses?”

You need to make the shift to seeing this cost as an investment in your business, rather than as an expense, and let go of the need to be in control.

I recently read about a statistic quoted in the life insurance industry which stated that for every additional support team member employed in a small professional services firm, the firm experienced a 40% increase in gross revenues. Why does this increase occur? Because your support team takes work away from you, which allows you to focus on increasing revenues – either by making more sales or working on the marketing systems that will lead to more sales.

I realize this sounds overly simplistic — if you want to increase your revenues by 40%, simply just employ someone on your support team. Of course, it is not that simple in reality. Hiring a support team requires you to trust your own judgment and use this extra time to generate more revenues. And that’s the key here – if you hire a support person and keep doing what you’re doing, the concept won’t work.

You have to hire the person and ensure that you’re taking on the role of business development.

The best way to illustrate this is to look at your “lost opportunity” costs. Say, for example, you’re a marketing consultant and you charge $175 per hour. Yesterday, your ACT! database was malfunctioning and it took you 7 hours to fix the problem and do the mail merge and printing and mailing of your sales letter to the new list of 100 prospective customers that you just purchased. Do you realize that 7 hours really cost you $1225? How? Your hourly rate of $175/hour multiplied by the number of hours it took you to do this task (7) equals $1225.

What would have been more effective? Finding someone else (like a Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager) to do this for you in half the time for a portion of your hourly fee. If you had hired the expertise of a masterfully skilled Virtual Assistant charging $45/hour, for example, my guess is that she probably could have completed the project in a portion of the time, say 4 hours, for a final cost to you of $180. Big cost savings over the $1225 it cost you to do the same project. With that project off your plate, you then have the time to go out seeking more $175/hour opportunities.

Amazing, isn’t it? For a mere $180 investment, for example, you now have the time to complete the proposal to do that corporate training program you spoke about with an HR person two weeks ago. A week later, the HR person calls and tells you that they’ve accepted the proposal valued at $10,000 in income over the course of the year. Would you have had time to complete that proposal if you had not handed off this ACT database project? Perhaps, but I bet it would have forced you to work late into the night to complete it.

What operational aspects of your business could you delegate to someone else? If you had extra time, how could you increase the revenues of your business? Give these questions strong consideration–you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.

Your Get Clients Online Assignment: Take some time and write out your delegation list — all those things that you hate doing, things that you’re now doing and probably shouldn’t be, as well as all the stuff that’s falling through the cracks. Surprised at the length of the list? Now jot down all those money-making opportunities you’ve missed out on (or don’t have time for) because you’re too caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business. What’s the dollar value of those missed opportunities? Shocking, isn’t it?

Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Online Business Coach Donna Gunter helps independent service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To claim your FR*EE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at Ask Donna an Internet Marketing question at