Real Assistants in an Online World

Why does ROI in social media suck?

A great article by Charles Heflin on the ever increasing social media/networking craze. While many businesses are skeptical about the value of spending time on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and a myriad of other sites, Charles says:

“The level of success in social media (as determined by ROI) is directly proportional to the speed at which you gain trust among your audience, the social nature of your products/services, and the nature of your social network traffic conversion funnel (sales funnel). Don’t confuse a social network traffic conversion funnel with traditional Internet marketing tactics.”

Check out the full article here:

Why does ROI in social media suck? by Charles Heflin

And if you’re on any of these sites, come follow me!


Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

Liz Ryan explores the fear that upcoming workers (i.e. today’s teenagers and college kids) will spend their work days whiling away on Facebook and other social sites.

Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

Twitter – what’s that?!

I feel a bit behind the curve on this one, but I’ve finally joined the masses who can be seen on Twitter. It’s a platform called “Micro-Blogging” and is a bit of Instant Messaging combined with a bit of Blogging.

For purely social networking motives, users post throughout the day what they’re doing, what they’re thinking, reply and comment on other’s posts, and post pictures.

For more business-related motives, users post new products, links to useful websites, ask business related questions and respond to other’s questions. Here’s an article on how large companies like Dell & Zappos are using it: Brands Turn to Micro-Blogging

I admit I was a bit skeptical, but after using it for a week or so can definitely see some benefits and advantages. If you’re brave enough to give it a try, look me up under copong!