Real Assistants in an Online World


Taking Care of Your Business Like It’s Our Own

Gone are the days of doing everything yourself. Sure, in the beginning of your business it appeared to make sense and save you money. But now your business is growing, you’re proven & successful in your industry, yet you find yourself up against a wall.

Your family will revolt if you work any more hours. You’re losing sleep. You’re missing important appointments and deadlines. You’re missing new opportunities. You need a clone (or perhaps just an assistant!). Sound familiar?


It’s time to REFOCUS.
It’s time to get back to doing what you LOVE.
It’s time to concentrate on your UNIQUE SKILLS.
It’s time to RECONNECT with why you started your business.

The good news is…We can help! We know the world of online or virtual assistance can be overwhelming, let us help guide your way.

Virtual Assistant vs. Online Business Manager

Virtual Assistant (VA): “Virtual assistants are independent contractors who (from a remote location, usually their home or office) support multiple clients in a variety of industries by providing administrative, creative, and technical services.” (

Online Business Manager (OBM): “A virtually based support professional who manages online based businesses, including the day-to-day management of projects, operations, team members and metrics.” (

The difference?

A VA does the work.

An OBM manages the work and coaches the business owner.


Which do you need? Often, businesses start out with a Virtual Assistant and bring in an Online Business Manager as their business and team starts to really grow. As you build your team, you’ll find that it may include one or more VAs, a bookkeeper, a copywriter, a web designer, a social media specialist and more. An Online Business Manager will oversee this team in addition to taking on the day-to-day management of your business, organizing and streamlining your processes & marketing efforts and ensuring your business is headed towards your vision.

How is Creative Assistants different? We combine Virtual Assistance and Online Business Management under 1 virtual roof. In addition to OBM services, we bring along our experienced and established team of VAs. This frees you from the time needed to find and vet VAs and other service providers, and means you only have 1 check to write each month (instead of 1 check to each member of your team). Not ready for an OBM? Start with one of our affordable VA retainer packages and our OBM will be ready when you are!


Ready to get started? Schedule your free 30 minute consultation now!


Recent Posts

Summer Speaker Series: Forty-Two Speakers in One Month

My colleague, Erin Blaskie, is hosting the first annual Summer Speaker Series featuring an amazing line-up of speakers including James Roche, Christina Merkley, Sheri McConnell, Alexis Neely, Allana Pratt, Lou Bortone, Viki Viertel, Lynn Scheurell, Kathie Thomas, Debbie LaChusa, Wendy Weiss, Terri Z, Donna Gunter, Diana Ennen and so, so, so many more.

Here’s the deal… She’s featuring TWO speakers PER DAY for the entire month of August (not including weekends because really, who likes working weekends?)

The best part is that this amazing series of speakers is priced VERY affordably. It’s going to be one of the hottest events of the summer and you’ve got an invitation from me!

Simply click through this link and register today. You won’t be disappointed and I’ll be there participating as well!

You can purchase a seat in one track, two tracks or get audio downloads included too (along with your live seat) so what are you waiting for! I’ve heard there is a cap of 200 people due to the bridge line and with the speakers involved, that won’t last long!

Visit the Speaker Series page and register now… ‘see’ you on the calls!


Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

Liz Ryan explores the fear that upcoming workers (i.e. today’s teenagers and college kids) will spend their work days whiling away on Facebook and other social sites.

Generational Tension The Facebook Generation? – BusinessWeek

The Digital Vanishing Act

George Colony muses on things vanished as a result of today’s digital technology.

“My CDs made my records go away…
…my iPod made my CDs go away. All of my music (and I love music) is now held in my hand. ”

Read the entire blog post at George F. Colony: The Digital Vanishing Act.